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Help Us Out

If you are local to Lander, Wyoming, You can help support this event in several different ways. First, do you have any old Halloween masks, props, costumes or decorations just lying around and taking up space that you would like to donate? We can even use miscellaneous and mismatched pieces and parts to create new scareactors, scenes, and scenarios.

Also, Because we do a lot of our own fabrication, any old, creepy stuff which might be considered junk to others could be frighteningly usable to us. Things like old  broken dress dummies, mannequins, farm implements, worn out chainsaws, oddities, dolls (the more distressed and creepy the better), small furnishings, et cetera we might be greatly interested in.


If you have anything you think might be of interest that you would like to donate, just use our "contact page" and we can start a conversation and make arrangements to pick them up if we feel we can use them.

And if you don't have any halloweenish accoutrements, but you would like to provide a little financial support for the "Perdition: A Halloween Nightmare" haunt, please consider making a donation below. No amount is too small and Your support for this annual event will be greatly appreciated and will help defer the extensive design and operational costs involved, and more importantly it will help assure this event continues to remain free to the public. Please remember that financial donations are considered a private endowment and are therefore NOT considered tax-deductible contributions.

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